Secure Document Upload

This page will allow you to upload and send images of requested documents to SallieMae®.

Consumer information

As you input your personal information, we want you to know that we take protection of your data seriously.
To learn more about how we collect, use, retain and disclose your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy

Please enter the Social Security number of the borrower for whose loan(s) the documentation is being provided.

Social Security number Click for more information
  - -  
Account number (Optional) Click for more information
First name
Last name
Phone number (Optional)
 ( ) - ext.  
Email address (Optional)


Add documents Click for more information  


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Note: Documents must be in image format, such as JPEG, TIFF or PDF. You can submit up to 5 documents each time you access this page but the combined size of all images being sent cannot exceed 5mb.



Please add any comments that explain the documents and the reason you are sending them. Then select the Send button to forward the documents to